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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2017-12-10 10:28:30
导读:   The all-intelligent hot water circulation system is a new type of high-tech product that has been used in a wide va
   The all-intelligent hot water circulation system is a new type of high-tech product that has been used in a wide variety of villas and clubs before, and now the hot water circulatory system has also been introduced into our homes. However, to use this kind of circulation system, it is recommended that it be installed in a relatively large domestic environment and suitable for large-scale residential buildings. What are the benefits of this hot water circulation system?




Domestic hot water circulation system (commonly known as: hot treasure, backwater, hot water speed up device, circulating water, hot water circulator, hot water preheater, preheating circulation system) is to solve the central hot water system piping Longer, lead to hot water before the timely use of appropriate temperature hot water (commonly known as: put cold water) a high-tech products; into the 21st century, if the use of domestic hot water, but also wait until the tap to let go After a lot of cold water to have hot water, then you out, a "tap, hot water to come," the home hot water circulation system products have been popular in the country.

As we all know: in the large apartment, duplex, villas, clubs, bath, laundry, beauty salon, fitness center, hospital, nursing home, school, factory, gymnasium, hotel, restaurant, star hotel, Point far apart, the water is small, slow, matching the system to achieve the same comfort and star hotel is to enjoy the life with hot water; usually without the installation of intelligent central hot water heating system of hot water circulation loop Network, the use of hot water, the competent cold water must be discharged after the hot water, but each need to discharge cold water for up to 1-4 minutes or longer cause a lot of waste.

This system does not waste a lot of power, but the water from the water point to the main road between the water circulation through the pump. At present, some manufacturers have introduced the third generation of domestic hot water circulation system. The pump adopts "Golden Titanium Drill" as the core and completely solves the problems of noise and corrosion of the pump. It has completely solved the people's longing for the comfortable life of "leading the first, hot water coming" and without side effects.





背景:智能热水循环系统 是当家庭采用中央热水器集中供应热水,出水点多,输水管路长,导致等待热水时间过长,气温较低的天气里沐浴者极易受凉引发感冒等病症。水、气、电资源的浪费。智能热水循环系统针对这些问题而开发的一种家用电器,打造龙头一开、热水即来,热水一秒钟等待,让家庭生活热水像星级酒店一样舒适。

设计安装生活预热水循环系统,使家用热水宾馆化,是目前别墅和大户型家庭最佳的热水解决方案。该方案的优点是: 水龙头一开,热水自然来。迅速及时,无需等待。 节省自来水,减少水资源浪费。 使用安全,节省家庭空间。热水器远离生活区域,安全、美观。

方案:智能热水循环系统 是当家庭采用中央热水器集中供应热水,出水点多,输水管路长,导致等待热水时间过长(一般至少要80秒以上),气温较低的天气里沐浴者(特别是老人和小孩)极易受凉引发感冒等病症。水、气、电资源的浪费。智能热水循环系统针对这些问题而开发的一种家用电器,龙头一开、热水即来,热水一秒钟等待,让家庭生活热水像星级酒店一样舒适。


