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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2017-12-10 14:55:34
导读:  Many hotels can provide 24 hours of hot water for customers, very convenient, therefore, hotel hot water circulation
   Many hotels can provide 24 hours of hot water for customers, very convenient, therefore, hotel hot water circulation system is essential for the hotel hot water circulation system, many people are very strange, then, hotels Hot water circulation system in the end how? Xiaobian today for everyone to make a detailed introduction, so that everyone in-depth understanding of hotel hot water circulation system.



Hotel hot water circulation system by one or more heating equipment through the hot water pipe network to send hot water to each room of the shower and wash basin, while using the circulating pump to ensure hot water points out of the box, so that check-in passengers Enjoy plenty of hot water for 24 hours. Hotel hot water circulation system, also known as intelligent hot water circulation system, preheat hot water circulation system. Its high thermal efficiency, safe and reliable operation, high degree of self-control; According to the hotel layout, equipment can be concentrated or dispersed, making the heating radius is small; dry, riser cycle, by the return water temperature control circulating pump operation to ensure hot water points Ready to use.






